
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

~ A Spirit filled Christmas ~ 2nd Saturdayz Event ~

( St. Therese )
"The Little Flower"

We hope to see you at this upcoming 2nd Saturdayz Fleamarket Event

A Saturday Market
You can get directions and info at:
We have alot of new items for the event
Hope to see you there!
~ Have a Spirit filled Christmas ~

Kathy & Kris


  1. beautiful...see you soon!
    Deb @ Garden Party ;)

  2. Whatta? Are you two Kidding me? You have like 12 Blog followers? That is unreal!

    I just posted about your gals on Facebook....Your stuff at Second Saturdayz is/was amazing!

    Okay,,,I'm just sayin' We need to "DO" some promos, girls,,,,,You have Amazing talents/ creativities, STUFF.........

    Your site just went out to at least 250 of my visual followers,,,,,,on Facebook....ahem and I am thinkin' tomorrow, YOU gals need to virtually "go out" to a couple hundered of my National and International Followers!

    Jesus need a "happy" home!

    Hugs and Love,
    (Stop by my blog to see the fantastic "Joyworks" Christmas Gala we had last nite,,,,,,,,You'd love it!)

  3. Wasn't that a FUN show?! Always love seeing your beautiful things!

    What is your email address? I need to *talk* with you!!!! Thanks much,

    Debi @ Ormolulu
